Course Overview

Thermocoagulation is the treatment or removal of unwanted skin imperfections or anomalies. Thermocoagulation utilizes High Frequency current to discharge pin point heat energy to treat skin imperfections and collapse the spider veins upon contact. The energy created by the high frequency current produces a thermal lesion and the immediate disappearance of the imperfection or vein while preserving the epidermis.

The treatment is extremely safe and unlike other treatments does not pose risks of heat blisters or scarring. Owing to its powerful circuits and stable currents, you will be capable of pinpoint precision capabilities and optimal settings, designed to deliver the ultimate result.


• Unique Technology and Faster Results
• 27.12 MHz frequency
• Effectively treats skin imperfections such as spider veins, angiomas and skin tags
• Fast treatment time and a “walk in – walk out” procedure with no down time for recovery
• Imperfections, spider veins and other vascular lesions instantly disappear
• Minimal discomfort in comparison to other treatments
• No bruising, scarring or hyper-pigmentation post treatment
• Ability to successfully treat sensitive areas like the face, nose, ankles and knees
• Proven procedure that is minimally invasive with high degree of safety

The course is specifically designed to meet the demands of the public, the most demanding employers, and for anyone who wishes to become a true professional within the field.

The entire program was carefully developed by experienced and knowledgeable instructors.  Our instructor will constantly supervise and guide your progress throughout the program by correcting and improving your practical techniques, to ensure that you receive the most skilled and qualified training possible.


  • The lessons can be completed in the desired order
  • The passing score for each quiz is 80%
  • 1 Quiz retake is permitted
  • When a lesson or subject does not include quizzes, please press the “Mark Completed” button
  • A summary theory test will be done in class before starting the practical part.

Course Outline